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Welcome to the GPVOA Home Page
(for all Greater Portland Area Volleyball Officials)
November 8th and 9th
State Tournaments
5A-6A Forest Grove HS
4A North Bend HS
3A Marshfield HS
1A-2A Ridgeview HS
Congratulations to Addie Emerson
from Valley Catholic HS
on being selected as the
2024-2025 GPVOA/Jeff Taylor-Weber Scholarship Winner
OSAA Registration: Arbiter/Central Hub Link
GPVOA/Volleyball Uniforms & Equipment
OSAA Sportsmanship Nomination Form Link
OSAA Red Card (Unsportsmanlike Conduct) Report Link
Please refer specific questions to the board using the information below.
Officials/Schools - If you have financial questions please contact Lee Merrick. His information is below. Thank you.
FALL Officials -
2024 OSAA Fall sports registration is now open on the OSAA/OAOA Officiating Central Hub. You can access the registration page at the following link: http://osaa.arbitersports.com.
Packet fees are as follows: Football $95.00, Volleyball $87.00, Soccer $89.00
If you are a multiple sport official during the same season (i. e. officiate football and volleyball), please only register for a single sport at one time (go in and register for football, complete that registration, then go back into the registration and register for volleyball) to help with our transaction accounting. THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP!!!
Oregon is a NFHS Level Four Member
The OSAA, in consultation with the OAOA has become a NFHS Level Four member. This means that every registered official will have access to the NFHS Network. As a registered official you will receive an email from NFHS staff member Dana Pappas on Fridays with your access code and instructions on how to access your NFHS Network subscription. The email will be coming from Dana Pappas dpappas@nfhs.org, please look for this important email as it may show up in your spam/junk email. This will begin on Thursday, July 27, registered officials will receive an email from NFHS Staff member Dana Pappas.
Packets for Oregon Officials will be mailed directly to each official starting on Monday, July 8, 2024, using the information you provided during the registration process. While we are not mailing packets until July 8, you can still go into Arbiter and complete your concussion requirement. Our hope is to have the OSAA Sport-specific exam up on arbiter by July 1. You will be given access to the Central Hub and be sent instructions on the NFHS All Access, which replaces the NFHS Rules app. in order to help with the exam.
It is imperative that you verify all information listed in Arbiter Profile is correct – including your mailing address, DOB, and Social Security Number. Just click the PROFILE tab once you are logged into the system as an Official and review this data to verify accuracy. Failure to update this data will delay the awarding of the appropriate eligibility period so you are encouraged to verify this information before submitting your registration.
If you completed the online registration process last year, using the same email address will simplify the process. Fields will be populated automatically for you on many of the steps – just make any adjustments that may be necessary.
If you have changed any personal information (i.e. mailing address, email address, etc) after registering last year you should login to ArbiterSports using your old email address and password – update your profile with the new information – then complete the registration process.
If your local association uses ArbiterSports as an assigning tool it is essential that you use the same email address that you currently use to sign into ArbiterSports to get your assignments.
OSAA Registration and OSAA Sport Specific Testing timelines are summarized below:
Registration Opens - Thursday, June 13, 2024
Testing Opens - Monday, July 1, 2024 (hopefully)
Test Review Opens - Monday, August 12, 2024
Registration Closes - Friday, September 27, 2024
Testing Closes - Friday, October 18, 2024
Feel free to direct questions to Kris Welch (krisw@osaa.org) or Heidi Lopez(heidil@osaa.org).
Thanks - looking forward to a great year.
OSAA Staff
GPVOA Contact List
Please use the contact information below for help on any of the items listed.
All Financial Questions & Registrations Questions
Lee Merrick, GPVOA Treasurer gpvoatreasurer@comcast.net
Attendance Information
Contact Cierra Barrett, GPVOA Secretary cierra_12@icloud.com
Test, Rules & Practicum Questions
Contact Alicia Provost, GPVOA Trainer ajpro24@msn.com
RefTown Issues, Miscellaneous Questions, Suggestions & Comments
Kristie Hopkins coachkristie10@gmail.com
Sorin Oancea oanceasoare@gmail.com
Melanie Batista melbatista030@gmail.com
Roger Castro roger_castro3@hotmail.com
Scheduling Questions, Evaluation Requests & Match/School Issues
Contact Delores Krumm deloresk@comcast.net
If the board cannot answer your question they will forward your request to the Commissioner.
Our organization is known as the Greater Portland Volleyball Officials Association (GPVOA) and was established in the early 1970's. The GPVOA is a certified association by the Oregon School Activities Association (OSAA). This affiliation allows the members of the association to work high school volleyball matches and provides and affiliation with the "National Federation of State High School Associations" (NFHS).
We provide officials for 78 high schools, 40 middle schools, and line for 6 small colleges in the area. The classification of high schools are broken down as follows: 6A - 38; 5A - 8; 4A - 6; 3A - 12; 2A - 5 and 1A - 9.
The Executive Board of the Association consist of eight (8) regular members who have been elected by popular vote of the membership. The office of Treasurer and the Commissioner are elected every three (3) years. The three Members-at-large are elected for a two (2) year term of office.
Specific duties of each board member are defined by the Association's Constitution and By-Laws. The members-at-large are the direct representatives of all association members and any matter for board consideration should be brought through them.
The Executive Board is responsible for a recruiting and training program for new officials and an in-service training program for experienced officials, coaches and players.
Elections occur annually online and are announced at the last regular meeting in October. Anyone interested in running for one of these positions should contact the Nominating Committee.
Copyright © 2000 Greater Portland Volleyball Officials Association
Last modified: August 1, 2024
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