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RefTown New Account Request
If you are the leader of an officials organization that wishes to use Reftown to assign officials, use this page request information.

This is NOT for individual officials to join an organization that uses RefTown.

This is NOT for schools/teams/clubs/etc. to request officials for thier games.

RefTown needs to send you an access code in order to proceed.

Email address:

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10/22/2024 12:04:23 AM Pacific
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Camron Rust / RefTown Sports Services, LLC

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You elected to have your system remembered when logging in.

This button both logs you out of RefTown and also clears the information from your browser that remembers who you are.

You were automatically logged into RefTown.

This is only a partial login that only includes basic permissions and only permits access to some pages.

Fully login for complete access to your permissions, pages and functions of RefTown.

Printable version of the current page (without menus, most buttons, etc.)