| Sno-King Adult Hockey League | Meetings & Events |
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Shows time, main title, subtitle, and primary location, secondary location, and attendance
Send ALL meetings/events to your calendar.
Some calendar applications will be able to open this multi-event/meeting file directly.
(Outlook 2007, Outlook 2010, and a few other locally installed calendar applications.)
Many calendar applications require you to save this multi-event/meeting file to your computer and use the application's import function.
(Outlook 2003 and older, most web-based calendars...Google Calendar and Yahoo Calendar ).This method should work for ALL calendar applications...even those that support direct import.
Full instructions can be found in our Knowledge Base...under the "RefTown" menu.
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This button both logs you out of RefTown and also clears the information from your browser that remembers who you are.
Subscribe to this schedule of events such that additions and changes will automatically appear on your personal calendar.
This eliminates the need to re-download meetings/events to your calendar as they are added or changed.
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