Central Oregon Volleyball Officials Association - Home
Central Oregon Volleyball Officials Association
Updated: 11/10/2024


 Central Oregon Volleyball Officials


2024 State Championships - Where Our Officials Shine! 



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Fozzy Bear with friend Tami Johnson                                                                                                                                                     




Great Job Officials - see you in the spring for Boys Volleyball!



   COVOA Executive Board

Russ Luloff, President    Mary Ann Vidourek, Vice-President    Chad Rush, Secretary

Margaret Sturza, Treasurer    Gail Dubisar, Trainer/Rules Interpreter    Kelly Havig, Commissioner 

Updated 11/10/2024 2:43:47 PM
By Gail Dubisar / covoa
Updated: 6/17/2024

FALL Officials -  (This information will be updated soon)

2024 OSAA Fall sports registration will open June 13, 2024 on the OSAA/OAOA Officiating Central Hub.  You can access the registration page at the following link:  http://osaa.arbitersports.com.

Packet fees are as follows:  Football $95, Volleyball  $87, Soccer $89
If you are a multiple sport official during the same season (i. e. officiate football and volleyball), please only register for a single sport at one time (go in and register for football, complete that registration, then go back into the registration and register for volleyball) to help with our transaction accounting. THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP!!!

Packets for Oregon Officials will be mailed directly to each official starting July 8, 2024 using the information you provided during the registration process.  While we are not mailing packets until July, you can still go into Arbiter and complete your concussion requirement.  Our hope is to have the OSAA Sport specific exam up on arbiter by July 1.  You will be given access to the Central Hub and be sent a copy of the digital rule book in order to help with the exam.

It is imperative that you verify all information listed in Arbiter Profile is correct – including your mailing address, DOB, and Social Security Number.  Just click the PROFILE tab once you are logged into the system as an Official and review this data to verify accuracy.  Failure to update this data will delay the awarding of the appropriate eligibility period so you are encouraged to verify this information before submitting your registration.

If you completed the online registration process last year, using the same email address will simplify the process.  Fields will be populated automatically for you on many of the steps – just make any adjustments that may be necessary.

If you have changed any personal information (i.e. mailing address, email address, etc) after registering last year you should login to ArbiterSports using your old email address and password – update your profile with the new information – then complete the registration process. 

If your local association uses ArbiterSports as an assigning tool it is essential that you use the same email address that you currently use to sign into ArbiterSports to get your assignments.

OSAA Registration and OSAA Sport Specific Testing timelines are summarized below:

Registration Opens - June 13, 2024
Testing Opens - July 1, 2024
Test Review Opens -  August 12, 2024
Registration Closes - September 27, 2024
Testing Closes - October 18, 2024

Feel free to direct questions to Kris Welch (krisw@osaa.org) or Heidi Lopez(heidil@osaa.org).

Thanks - looking forward to a great year.

OSAA Staff










Updated 6/17/2024 8:42:10 PM
By Gail Dubisar / covoa
Updated: 5/12/2020
Updated 5/12/2020 11:43:34 AM
By Russell Luloff / covoa
Updated: 3/20/2024

COVOA Registration for 2024 will be open late Spring/early Summer!

Returning Officials - Log onto Reftown using your username/password, click on Public, Registration (upper left hand side), and review your personal information, make changes if necessary and be sure to click on the submit button.

You also need to update your availability. (See Below for instructions.)

New Officials - If you are new to the association click on Public, Registration, and follow the directions. Our commissioner will contact you and set you up on Reftown with a password.


2024 Reftown Availability Instructions

1.   Log on to Reftown and go to "Schedules" (top left) - "Availability".

2.   Go to the month of February to start the process.

a. The cross-Organization information only applies to those working with another association during the same months as volleyball. COVOA has not enabled this feature.

b. Click Edit Availability.

c. Choose Priority #2 for initial set-up using the fastest method.

d. Use Priority #1 for changing specific dates within each month for more detailed requests.

e. Time Entered: If you enter 4:00 pm you are saying you can leave your house/work at that specific time.

f. When changing individual dates in the future you can comment in the box on the specific date.

3.  You must click on "Submit" information before you go to a different month or the system will not accept your changes. Updates to your calendar can be made at any time by following the same process and entering a comment as to what you are changing.


Updated 3/20/2024 7:19:42 PM
By Gail Dubisar / covoa

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Updated: 3/20/2024


President- Russ Luloff

Vice President- Mary Ann Vidourek 

Secretary- Chad Rush

Trainer/Rules Interpreter - Gail Dubisar

Treasurer- Margaret Sturza

Commissioner- Kelly Havig

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Updated 3/20/2024 7:19:42 PM
By Gail Dubisar / covoa
Updated 11/10/2024 2:43:47 PM
By Gail Dubisar / covoa
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Updated 3/20/2024 7:20:21 PM
By Gail Dubisar / covoa
Updated 6/17/2024 8:42:10 PM
By Gail Dubisar / covoa
Updated 5/12/2020 11:43:34 AM
By Russell Luloff / covoa