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How does an assignor print or email schedules for teams/schools?

Article ID: 59
Last updated: 14 Nov, 2019
Revision: 2
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To print/email the schedules:

  1. Go to "Schedules" -> "Game Management"
  2. Click "Print/Email Schedules" (bottom right)
  3. Select the date range to print
  4. Select how to group the schedule (by School)
  5. Select the the role to include for each school/team
    • Include the game for a school/team if they are the Payor, the Location, the Home team, or the Visiting team.
  6. If you want the officials' names to be shown, click "Show Officials' Names"
  7. If this is for printing, click the "For Printing" checkbox...this changes the format to be better suited for printing.
  8. Click "Search Now"

A page will open listing all schedules based on the chosen criteria. Depending on your search terms, this page can take a while to load.

At this point, you can remove some schools from the list of recipients if needed. You can also add an optional message to the email that will be sent.

Finally, click "Send Schedules by Email"

When printed, this page will place each school’s schedule on a separate page.

This function is the same function that is used to send schedule reminders as configured under the configuration pages.

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