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How does an assignor print schedules for officials?

Article ID: 58
Last updated: 21 Jun, 2010
Revision: 1
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You have two choices when printing schedules for officials or schools/teams:

  1. Print only for those without email
  2. Print for all

You can also print by date.

To print the schedules:

  1. Go do "Schedules" -> "Game Management"
  2. Click "Print/Email Schedules"
  3. Select the date range to print
  4. Select who you are printing (emailing) for—by date, official, or school/team (and which games to include if for schools/teams)
  5. Select whether to print the officials’ names on the output
  6. Select whether to print assignor-only notes on the printouts
  7. Click "Search Now"

A page will open listing all schedules based on the chosen criteria. When printed, this page will place each official’s schedule on a separate page.

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