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Setting up Reftown to Accept Stripe Payments

Article ID: 323
Last updated: 02 Dec, 2024
Revision: 8
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Reftown can be configured to accept stripe payments for your organization.

  1. First, you must set up and account with
  2. From,, you must set up an API key (
    • You can use a Standard Key or, if you want to be more restrictive on what Reftown has access to, a Restricted Key. With a Restricted Key, you will need to choose the right resource(s) for the API. Specifically, Reftown uses the "PaymentIntents" resource.
  3. Copy your publishable key and secret key from the stripe API setup into Reftown's configuration:
    • Admin -> Configuration-Finances, Stripe Configuration (bottom)
  4. If you want Reftown to be aware of payments made through Stripe, you must also set up a webhook endpoint on stripe (
    1. Click "Create New Endpoint" (top left)
    2. Select Events (Payment Intents)
    3. Click Continue
    4. Under Endpoint URL, enter the Reftown Endpoint URL
    5. (the URL can be found on the Reftown Stripe configuration page)
    6. Click "Create destination"
    7. Next, copy from stripe, your "Signing Secret" for that endpoint and paste it into the Reftown Stripe Configuration options
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