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Syncing License/Certification Information with External Systems

Article ID: 321
Last updated: 08 Sep, 2024
Revision: 4
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Reftown has the ability to synchronize certification/license data with external systems.

Reftown Syncs with: 

  • USSF
  • Arbiter (Oregon Only for now)

The synchronization of license info for both systems depends on matching up the officials between the two systems. Each organization can be programmed to match on a variety of criteria, up to 4 different elements.

Matches can be made using the following:

Reftown USSF / Arbiter
Email1, Email2, OR Email3 (any one) Email
Last Name Last Name
First Name OR Nickname (either one) First Name
Date of Birth Date of Birth

Some organizations require a match on all 4 lines. Some allow for a "3-point" match. A "3-point" match includes Email, Last Name, and either a First Name/Nickname match OR a Date of Birth match. Some organizations may even choose to allow a less precise match using as little as the email address. Note that capitalization does not matter. The actual letters, numbers, punctuation, and spacing does matter.

If your account is not matching the USSF/Arbiter system, you will need to update your profile on one of the systems to match the information in the other. It doesn't matter which one you update. Note that updates in the external systems may not immediately be available to Reftown. Please allow for a few hours for the changes to appear.

An official see the status of his or her licenses and registration under their profile by clicking their name in the top right, then "My Profile". The information is in the section for "My Qualifications".

USSF Name or Date of Birth Updates:

Also listed in
folder User Guide -> Roster Functions

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