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How do I assign officials that do not appear in the list of assignable officials?

Article ID: 32
Last updated: 21 Jun, 2010
Revision: 1
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To make officials who are, by default, not assignable, check one or more of the boxes in the "Include Officials" options.

The available boxes are:


Checking this box will make an official appear in the list of assignable officials, regardless of that official’s availability.


Checking this box will make an official appear in the list of assignable officials, regardless of the schools/teams that official has scratched.


Checking this box will make an official appear in the list of assignable officials, even if that official is already working on this date.


Checking this box will make an official appear in the list of assignable officials, even if that official’s individual rating is above the rating range for the assignment.


Checking this box will make an official appear in the list of assignable officials, even if that official’s individual rating is below the rating range for the assignment.

Driving Distance

Changing the mileage limit will include more/fewer officials in the list of assignable officials.

All Officials

All officials will be listed as assignable.

Note: When these overrides are used, those officials who would have been excluded from the list of assignable officials will appear on the list along with the basic details of why they were not originally listed.

Also read
item How is driving distance calculated?
item How is the rating for a game determined?
item How do I manage ratings for officials?

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