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How to send a password reset email to Officials

Article ID: 307
Last updated: 02 Jan, 2023
Revision: 3
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You have 3 options for sending password reset emails to officials.

  1. Send to an individual
  2. Sent to all active officials who have never logged in
  3. Send to all active officials regardless of a prior login

To Send to An Individual

  1. Go to Directories -> Officials
  2. Locate the individual on the directory
  3. Click the "More" menu
  4. Click "Send Login Information"

NOTE: This is automatically done when you add a new official through the web interface, but not if you add officials through an excel import.

To Send to All Active Officials who have never logged in:

  1. Go to Directories -> Officials
  2. Click on Quick Links
  3. Click "Send Login Information"
  4. Click "New"
    • New indicates that you want to send to accounts that are new where new is determined by their login prior login is considered new, even if a prior password reset email was sent.

To Send to All Active Officials who have never logged in:

  1. Go to Directories -> Officials
  2. Click on Quick Links
  3. Click "Send Login Information"
  4. Click "All Officials"
    • This sends password reset emails to ALL active officials


  • When a password reset email is sent to an official that has never logged in, regardless of the method above, your "Welcome Letter", if configured, will also be sent to that official. The Welcome Letter can be configured under Admin -> Configuration, OFFICIALS RWGISTRATION / NEW OFFICIAL, Welcome Letter.
  • When you send a password reset email, any account "lock" on that is set due to incorrect password attempts is reset.
  • The password reset emails are sent only to the primary email address on the officials account.
  • All password reset emails are time limited. The link in the email expires after 72 hours. However, from within the email, the official can request a new reset email and start again.
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