As a school/team contact (Athletic Director, Athletic Assistant, Athletic Secretary, Coach, etc.), you may need to transfer your account to a new person. If you are the owner of the account for your school/team, you can update your profile information to transfer the account to the new person. Depending on the nature of the transition, this can be done in one of a few ways. Will the two individuals overlap in their time of service or will there be complete transition all at once? Is the current account holder still available? This procedure can update the information for ALL connected accounts (those with the same email address as used to log in to this session) in one pass.
NOTE: In the section for “Apply Changes to…” for each type of information, uncheck the any box for accounts you do not wish to change....typically, all boxes are left checked. Allow Access to Both for a Period of Time
Current Contact No Longer Present: Contact the assignor/administrator for each of your organizations and request that they move the current account to your name. If they merely change the email address, you can then log in with that information and follow the steps above to change the rest of the information.