RefTown offers the option of generating 1099's. This includes electronic distribution your officials as well as electronic filing with the IRS and most states.
- Prepare your organization's account to be ready for 1099 generation.
- You must prepare invoices on RefTown to show the accurate amounts that should be included on an official's 1099.
- These invoices can generated within the RefTown system from game schedules or can include non-game related entries that can be input directly within RefTown or can be imported from an Excel spreadsheet.
- You must mark the invoice batches to indicate the correct Tax Year
- Go to Pay -> Officials 1099 Management
- Click on "View/Manage" or "Prepare" for the year of interest
- This will list all batches that are being included and where they are found
- If the data is incomplete, find the missing batch (either in the live system or in an archive) and mark it with the appropriate Tax may wish to review invoice batches in your recent archives to be sure they have been marked with the appropriate tax year.
- This will list each official that received payment in a batch marked with the specified tax year .
- The officials will be divided into 3 groups.
- Officials making less than the minimum (typically $600)
- Officials making over $600 with all necessary information
- Officials making over $600 but missing some required information (SSN, Address, etc).
- These will be listed at the top.
- For any official missing information, obtain the necessary info and add it to the system.
- Once all officials have complete information, or you have obtained all information that you can, click the big green button that says "Request Generation of 1099s".
- Until we receive your request and payment we will not process any information.
- You can pre-pay for the 1099 services with your annual subscription.
Once your data is complete and we are notified, we will typically generate your 1099s within 1-3 days.
Once we have generated your 1099s, they will be posted to your account as follows:
- An individual PDF for each official.
- An All-in-one PDF file with all officials, 1 official per page, that can be used for printing and distributing to officials that can not download and open the form RefTown.
Per IRS regulations, all PDF files are individually encrypted and password protected. The password for an individual official's 1099 is the official's SSN (or TIN)...digits only, no dashes. The password for the All-in-one PDFs will be a randomly generated set of characters that will be provided directly to those that need access to those files.
Upon completion of the forms, we will email them to the officials..
In late January, we will then file your 1099's with the IRS and (through the IRS) with the respective states.
We will provide a confirmation to you once we have filed your 1099s with the IRS.