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Preparing Your Organization, Invoices, and Officials for 1099 Processing

Article ID: 205
Last updated: 05 Jan, 2021
Revision: 2
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Preparing  and/or Verify your Organization's Account for 1099 processing

  1. Go to Admin -> Configuration - Finances
  2. Click on "1099 Setup"
  3. Fill in all relevant data as it will appear on the 1099 and will be reported to the IRS.
    • Required:
      • Legal Organization Name
      • Tax ID
      • Organization Address, City, State, Zip
      • Organization Contact Name, Title, Phone, and Email
  4. Choose a minimum amount needed to trigger a 1099.
    • NOTE: The IRS requires 1099s for all offiicals paid $600 or more.
    • Some states may have lower limits. Set the amount to the lowest of the two values.
    • You can safely issue 1099s for lower amounts if desired.
  5. Select whether uncategorized non-game custom items should be included in the 1099 total.

Preparing Invoices to be Included in 1099 Processing

  1. Go to Pay -> Officials Invoices
  2. Click the checkbox for any batch that does not have a Tax Year specified that should be included.
  3.  Click 
  4. Enter the appropriate Tax Year.
    • This will be the year in which the payments were actually made...not the year the games occured in.
      • Example: If games played in December 2013 were not paid until January 2nd, 2014, they should be marked with the Tax Year of 2014.
  5. Click "Update This Item"

Preparing officials for inclusion in 1099 Processing

  1. Go to Pay -> Officials Invoices
  2. On any one of the batches for the Tax Year of interest, click on the year of interest


  1. Click on Pay -> Official 1099 Managment
  2. Click on the year of interested under "Report of Official's 1099 Readiness"

This will generate a summary of which batches are being included in the totals.

It will also generate a report of:

  1. How many officials are missing an SSN/TaxID (you want this number to be 0)
  2. How many officials are under the limit for requiring a 1099
  3. How many officials are ready to have a 1099 generated

For officials without a valid SSN/Tax ID, the report will include a link where you can edit the official's account to add an SSN or Tax ID.

Also read
item 1099 Generation & Distribution
item Transferring Invoice Information from the archives or other sources to be used for 1099 generation

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