Preparing and/or Verify your Organization's Account for 1099 processing
- Go to Admin -> Configuration - Finances
- Click on "1099 Setup"
- Fill in all relevant data as it will appear on the 1099 and will be reported to the IRS.
- Required:
- Legal Organization Name
- Tax ID
- Organization Address, City, State, Zip
- Organization Contact Name, Title, Phone, and Email
- Choose a minimum amount needed to trigger a 1099.
- NOTE: The IRS requires 1099s for all offiicals paid $600 or more.
- Some states may have lower limits. Set the amount to the lowest of the two values.
- You can safely issue 1099s for lower amounts if desired.
- Select whether uncategorized non-game custom items should be included in the 1099 total.
Preparing Invoices to be Included in 1099 Processing
- Go to Pay -> Officials Invoices
- Click the checkbox for any batch that does not have a Tax Year specified that should be included.
- Click
- Enter the appropriate Tax Year.
- This will be the year in which the payments were actually made...not the year the games occured in.
- Example: If games played in December 2013 were not paid until January 2nd, 2014, they should be marked with the Tax Year of 2014.
- Click "Update This Item"
Preparing officials for inclusion in 1099 Processing
- Go to Pay -> Officials Invoices
- On any one of the batches for the Tax Year of interest, click on the year of interest
- Click on Pay -> Official 1099 Managment
- Click on the year of interested under "Report of Official's 1099 Readiness"
This will generate a summary of which batches are being included in the totals.
It will also generate a report of:
- How many officials are missing an SSN/TaxID (you want this number to be 0)
- How many officials are under the limit for requiring a 1099
- How many officials are ready to have a 1099 generated
For officials without a valid SSN/Tax ID, the report will include a link where you can edit the official's account to add an SSN or Tax ID.