RefTown allows each non-game line item on an invoice to be categorized into any number of organization definable categories.Using such categories can allow an organization greater flexibility with managing finances. They can also be used to control what items are counted towards an official's 1099 income. Categories are not needed for game line items on invoices....they are automatically included in a "game" category. To create a category...
When adding a a custom invoice items, choose one of available categories. Custom invoice items without a specified category will automatically be included in a miscellaneous category. When you are looking at a list of invoices for officials or schools/teams, you can quickly add a custom item for each of the listed invoices. To do so, click the checkboxes for all of those you wish to add an invoice item to. Then, click AUTO INVOICING Invoice categories can be configured to be auto-invoiced on official or school/team invoices. When enabled, an official/school/team, when otherwise invoiced, will automatically have a custom line item added for the category if that official/school/team has not yet reached the limits for that category.
Example 1: You've configured a category called "Dues" to auto-invoice officials 1 time for negative $50. You create invoices for games covering week 1 of your season. Any official working in those two weeks would get a charge of $50 added to his/her invoice. Next, you create invoices for week 2 of your season. In that second week, 30 of the officials were previously invoiced in week 1. Those officials will not get a new charge for dues. However, there are 10 additional officials that had not worked in week 1. Those 10 officials will get a deduction of $50.