In the event you end up creating more than one roster entry for the same person or team, you can use the merge feature to blend the two entries into a single entry. This operation will move all games associated with both entries to be associated with the one combined entry. Other secondary data, such as permissions and scratches and availability will be merged. In the event of conflicting information in the two availability calendars, only one calendar will effectively be saved. To merge to duplicates, you must first location the two so that they appear on the same screen. Some duplicates can be found using the "Show Duplicates" report under the QuickLinks menu for each roster type (Officials, Schools/Teams, or School/Team Contacts). You can also use the search form on each of these pages to search for a part of the name that is common to both entries. It may also be easier if you edit one of the two entries to have a name similar to the other (e.g. School ABC and School ABC 1). It is possible to merge more than two down to a single entry. There is technical no limit on how many duplicates you can select to be combined at one time but it may be easier if you only merge 2-3 to 1. Once you have the duplicate entries listed, click both entry's selection checkboxes. Then click the merge button: This will open a new page that will list each of the entreis, one per column. If the type of data is not the same between the entries, you will have a choice of which data to keep in the final entry. Once you have selected the data you wish to keep, click "Merge" at the bottom of the form.