Game reminders can be configured to be sent to official through a flexible set of options. The available options offer the the ability to send a reminder 48 hours before a game, 72 hours before a game, the day of a game, twice a week, weekly—just about any combination you might prefer. Notices are sent at approximately 3 a.m. Pacific. To set reminders for Officials, select the days of the week that reminders will be sent on. Under “Include Games Starting on,” enter the number of days from the day of the notice to start including games. Under “For This Many Days,” enter the number of days of games to include in the notice. EXAMPLES: For a 48-hour notice, check all days, and enter 1 for “Include Games Starting on” and 1 for “For This Many Days.” For a 72-hour notice, check all days, and enter 2 for “Include Games Starting on” and 1 for “For This Many Days.” For a weekly notice starting with games on the day of the notice check, check ONE day, and enter 0 for “Include Games Starting on” and 7 for “For This Many Days.” For a weekly notice starting with games the day after the notice, check ONE day, and enter 1 for “Include Games Starting on” and 7 for “For This Many Days.” To have automatic new game reminder sent on the days checked above, select “New Games.”