Accounts are connected through email addresses. You can have access to all of your accounts with a single login (1 username, 1 password). Each username is connected to a single email address and to all accounts that list that address on the roster.
Once you log in, you can switch between all accounts having that email address.
To switch accounts
- Click the individualized Accounts Menu (a red box at the top with your name that appears after log in)
- Locate the account you want to access
- Click anywhere on the line for that account
- RefTown remembers the last account you accessed and returns you to that one the next time you log in
- When you switch accounts, all permissions will be configured for the new account. You can change back and forth freely....keeping in mind that, if you've opened multiple browser windows/tabs by Shift-Click or Control-Click, all actions will relate to the most recent account you've selected