There is a large set of options for addressing the email to various groups of
people affiliated with your organization.
- You are provided with 8 main types of lists from
which to select your recipients.
- Schools and School Contacts
- To All
- By School Level
- By School League
- To school contacts by role
- Officials
- By member level
- To "unregistered" officials
- those who are not marked as having filled out a
registration form since you last reset the registration status—it
ignores other officials selections
- To "Inactive" officials
- To officials marked inactive on your roster—it
ignores other officials selections
- By Sport (if multiple sports are enabled)
- Standard Groups
- These are the permissions groups predefined by RefTown:
administrators, assignors, evaluators, etc.
- Custom Groups
- These are the definable by you—you can create
custom lists of people you wish to frequently contact as a group
- Board / Committees
- If you list your Board and/or Committees on the
respective pages under Directories, you can conveniently email them here
- Selected Schools
- You can select one or more individual schools to send
the email to
- Selected School Contacts
- You can select one or more individual school contacts to
send the email to
- Selected Officials
- You can select one or more individual officials to send
the email to
- You can, except where noted, select any combination of
these items. Each selection under "Officials" ADDS more
recipients to the list
- If you select a group and a level, all officials of that
group will get the email and all official of the level will also get the
- You can, except where noted, select any combination of
these items. Each selection under
"Schools" REDUCES the recipients to the list
- If you select a level and a league, only those of the
selected league and level will receive the email
- If you select any of the "All" buttons, it will
ignore the subcategories. For example, if you select "All
Schools" and also select a school league, it will send to all schools
regardless of which league was selected
- Selected Individual Recipients will always receive the
email regardless of what other selections are made.
- Groups/Level/League/etc. selections are not impacted by
the selection of individual recipients—both selections will receive
the email
A Preview Recipients Option is available to see
who will be sent the email before it is sent if it is at all unclear how the
selections will be processed.