Moving between linked accounts.
Accounts are connected through email addresses. You can have access to all of your accounts with a...
08 May, 2022
Views: 2178
Using the Game Search Form
On various game-related pages, you will find a fairly powerful search form. You can search/filter...
26 Apr, 2018
Views: 0
How do a find specific games?
There are several ways to locate games/matches. The primary way to access games is through the...
26 Apr, 2018
Views: 1763
How do schools request games on RefTown?
Go to "Schedules" -> "Game Request" (only available to schools and assignors). The interface...
17 Sep, 2024
Views: 1953
How can games be added to RefTown?
There are three ways to add games to the system: Assignors/Administrators clicking the button...
20 May, 2018
Views: 2355
Can I see who is assigned to other games?
It depends on the settings chosen by your organization. By default, officials can only see who...
26 Apr, 2018
Views: 1736
Can schools see who is assigned to games?
Yes, depending on the options chosen by the organization. By default, schools cannot see who is...
26 Apr, 2018
Views: 1829
How do I approve my school/team schedule?
Go to "Schedules" -> "Games" then take the following steps: 1. By any game that says...
26 Apr, 2018
Views: 1946
Using the Paysheet System
Once enabled, you’ll see some new icons on the game schedule. There will be an icon for each...
26 Apr, 2018
Views: 0
More Info for ADs/Coaches
The game listing shown on the home page is just a summary of the upcoming games. What is included...
26 Apr, 2018
Views: 0
How to add games...
To add games to the system: Go to the Schedules -> Games/Matches (or, if you are a coach/AD,...
20 May, 2018
Views: 2185