Updated: 3/31/2022

 May 13-15, 2022


The 2022 ABOA Development Camp is designed as a development for current High School officials looking grow using 3-man mechanics. Emphasis will be on the mastery and review of all officiating skills. The camp format will include classroom lecture, on-court instruction, video training, and tape breakdown sessions which will be led by current Division 1 officials.


Schedule of Activities

Opening Day:

Registration, introductory meeting, and game schedule. 

  • May 13: Registration 6pm.

Game Days:

Game schedules on assigned courts: Each camper will work games each day.

Daily Schedule TBA



Fill out the registration form on the Reftown

Cost: $125 – Covers camp fee, lunch, camp gift.


Feedback/Contact Form

Contact List

Registration for Officials

Generated: 7/1/2024 17:26:40 Central *** Content © 2024 ABOA-DC , Design © 2003-2024
Camron Rust / RefTown Sports Services, LLC